Spatial and temporal analysis of alphavirus replication and assembly in mammalian and mosquito cells

Jose, J., A. B. Taylor and R. J. Kuhn. 2017. Spatial and temporal analysis of alphavirus replication and assembly in mammalian and mosquito cells mBio 8:e02294-16. PMID: 28196962.
Reemerging mosquito-borne alphaviruses cause serious human epidemics worldwide. Several structural and imaging studies have helped to define the life cycle of alphaviruses in mammalian cells, but the mode of virus replication and assembly in the invertebrate vector and mechanisms producing two disease outcomes in two types of cells are yet to be identified. Using transmission electron microscopy and live-cell imaging with dual fluorescent protein-tagged SINV, we show that while insect and mammalian cells display similarities in entry and exit, they present distinct spatial and temporal organizations in virus replication and assembly. By characterizing acutely and persistently infected cells, we provide new insights into alphavirus replication and assembly in two distinct hosts, resulting in high-titer virus production in mammalian cells and continuous virus production at reduced levels in mosquito cells—presumably a prerequisite for alphavirus maintenance in nature.
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